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Where do the presidential candidates stand on education?
posted by: Alana | October 28, 2016, 05:17 PM
We're getting down to the wire and early voting is already in full swing across the nation. There is so much at stake in this presidential race from education reform initiatives to school funding, yet thousands of Americans are still undecided heading into the 2016 elections. It's absolutely imperative that educators make well informed decisions at the voting booth this November.
KANAAE is proudly non-partisan, does not endorse candidates, or tell members how to vote. We do, however, urge each and every educator to brush up on the candidates' stances on education at the federal, state, AND local levels before heading to the polls. Continue Reading... Teacher Appreciation Week is a week dedicated to giving teachers the recognition they deserve! Don’t miss these great discounts. KANAAE appreciates YOU! Continue Reading... Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas break is less than a month away. The following month will be a hectic one for students and teachers alike. Now is the time to start planning for the holiday season! If you’re a new teacher or an experienced educator just looking to add a little something new to their lessons this month, we’ve picked our favorite outlets for quality, creative lessons this season. Enjoy! Continue Reading... Finding new and unique ideas for formative assessments is always a struggle. However, the team over at the Global Digital Citizen Foundation has some ideas in the following blog, originally posted on their site last April. Formative assessment tools used in the classroom provide critical feedback to teachers, helping them to monitor and modify their instruction methods and lesson plans. Teachers are better able to meet the unique needs of individual students, empowering them through personalized and timely feedback. Continue Reading... Guest Post by Rose Bergues
The Cat, The Fish, and The Waiter is a charming story penned by teenaged author Marianna Bergues. The whimsical tale would be a hit with elementary school children even if the book was constructed in the ordinary manner…but it isn’t! The story revolves around French waiter Peter who attempts to manage a busy day at Le Petit Café, all the while being besieged by various requests. By an odd coincidence, two vacationing friends ask him to pet-sit a fish and a cat. Additionally, Peter’s new mattress is delivered on the same day. All seems to go well at first, until Peter (who seemingly has a bad habit of granting access to his apartment to anyone who asks) comes home to find the place ransacked and the animals missing. Continue Reading...Alabama State Teacher of the Year and finalist for National Teacher of the Year, Ann Marie Corgill resigned from teaching after 21 years this week. By all accounts, Ms. Corgill was an excellent teacher. She was a National Board Certified Teacher. Her students, colleagues, and principal all spoke well of her. She was a mentor to other teachers and a published author. Moreover, there’s every indication that she loved her students and that she loved her job. What could possibly drive such a talent out of the system?
The answer is teacher licensing. Continue Reading...
New Report May Have the Answer to Attracting Excellent Teachers
posted by: Garry | November 04, 2015, 04:09 PM “Smart, Skilled, and Striving” – a new report from the Center for American Progress (CAP) – was just released this week as a means to answer the question, “How do we attract more teachers to the teaching profession?” They claim the solution is to raise the bar.
Researchers assert that more new teachers will enter the education workforce if the profession is seen as a more prestigious and respected profession. There are 6 primary proposals the come from this report: Continue Reading...National Employee Freedom Week (NEFW) is a national campaign aimed at educating teachers and other employees about their options regarding union membership. NEFW was co-created by AAE and the Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI) because labor unions like the NEA don’t inform their members of their legal rights to opt-out of membership, leaving millions of teachers and other employees completely unaware that they have options. Continue Reading...
KANAAE Members Meet With Legislative Leaders In Roundtable Discussions
posted by: Garry | July 02, 2015, 10:30 PM KANAAE was thrilled to host two groundbreaking meetings last week between member teachers and legislative leaders across Kansas. The KANAAE Legislative Leader Roundtables, held on Tuesday in Wichita, and Wednesday in Manhattan, were attended by nearly 60 member educators who participated in collaborative discussions about education policy with high-ranking statewide officials. Leaders from the Kansas State Senate, House of Representatives, and Governor Brownback’s office were in attendance. Continue Reading...
Foundation for Excellence in Education Releases Digital Learning Report Card
posted by: Garry | June 10, 2015, 08:13 PM The Foundation for Excellence in Education released the 2014 Digital Learning Report Card last month. The report details state policies on digital learning based on their alignment to the 10 Elements of High-Quality Digital Learning. Continue Reading... There was a time when educators could count on being granted their license and then spending the rest of their career in a single state, district, or even school. More and more often this is no longer the case. As the economy changes, the teaching force continues to evolve. This is amplified by the fact that the distribution of teachers is not even across the country. While many communities, mostly urban, are experiencing shortages of teachers, others have a surplus. Teachers in areas with a surplus may well move to an area with a shortage, gain experience, and then apply in their desired state once they are more established. Continue Reading... Although it may be hard to believe, we’re fast approaching the end of the school year. In most districts, testing is well underway if not complete. For many of us there’s only a few weeks left to wrap up the year before the two months of reflection, planning, and downtime begin. How you spend those months can have a great influence on what happens the upcoming year. Here are our suggestions for relaxing, productive summer break: Continue Reading...
Educators Share Their Stories in Honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week!
posted by: Garry | May 12, 2015, 12:50 AM Last week, AAE asked teachers to give us their favorite teacher stories. Many of our members became educators because of a teacher’s impact in their own lives. As we wrap up another great Teacher Appreciation Week 2015, we want to share some of those stories with you! Continue Reading...
With Teacher Appreciation Week in full swing, KANAAE would like to say THANKS to all the teachers out there who not only taught us our ABCs and 123s, but who also taught us to overcome obstacles in life, who encouraged us to follow our dreams, and who saw the true potential in us that others didn’t. Continue Reading...
Bill Passes Arkansas House Allowing Teachers to Exit Union at any Time
posted by: Garry | March 24, 2015, 07:43 PM Did you know...?
The Arkansas Education Association dictates that teachers may only resign membership during a small, unadvertised window in the fall. If a teacher misses this deadline, s/he is forced to pay membership dues for the entire school year. Continue Reading... Amidst discussion of universal preschool, a new form of preschool has emerged out of the tech world - and it’s opening up the doors for school choice supporters all across the globe. Continue Reading... I received a National School Choice Week flyer in my mailbox yesterday. It had a picture of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) shaking hands and smiling. Obviously, they both agree that school choice is an important issue. That image stuck with me. In a nation so politically divided, it’s rare to see such bipartisanship. Continue Reading... You’ve heard it all before. The leading issue facing education today is the lack of quality of teachers in our schools. Talks of teacher evaluations and school reform have dominated the conversation. And it’s true that quality teachers are key to generating the next generation of America’s leaders. Continue Reading...When 9,000 National Education Association members from across the country gathered in Denver for their annual conference last week, they made it easy to understand why union membership is in sharp decline. Continue Reading...
Dear KANAAE Member,This weekend, the Kansas Legislature passed HB 2506, a school funding bill that included policy changes to teacher tenure. Among the many provisions, the state is expected to increase K-12 education spending by 129 million dollars and allow easier paths to the classroom for degreed professionals. Governor Brownback has expressed support for the bill and will most likely sign it into law.
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