Weekly News Round-Up for December 7th |
posted by: Melissa | December 07, 2018, 08:43 PM |
Each week, KANAAE brings its members a round-up of what’s happening in education. From big, eye-catching headlines to the stories most papers overlook, we find the news our members really want to see. This week, a charter school strike, racist Christmas songs, a teacher with scissors, and more! First Charter Strike in the Nation: Teachers in a Chicago charter school network walked off the job on Tuesday beginning the first ever strike at a charter school. Teachers demanded higher pay, greater staff diversity, and a shorter school year along with political issues like declaring the chain’s schools to be “sanctuary schools.” The strike happened after the teachers who work for the charter network voted to join the local Chicago Teachers Union, even though the union is often critical of charter schools. The network had already agreed to shorten working hours and increase pay in recent years, but was reluctant to do so further. The teachers and charter network have yet to reach a settlement. Teacher Suspended After Students’ Racist Jingle Bells Song: A teacher in Delaware was suspended after giving an assignment that resulted in students singing an overtly racist version of Jingle Bells. The teacher had asked her 11th grade students to rewrite a song with lyrics that explained a concept related to the Civil War. One group chose to rewrite the popular Christmas song with lyrics about the KKK. The lyrics seemed to celebrate the actions of the KKK and offended many students in the room. One student filmed the song as proof. After outrage over the incident, the teacher was removed from her position while the district investigated Teacher Cuts Students’ Hair, Sings National Anthem: A teacher in California was arested after forcefully cutting students’ hair while singing the national anthem. When students tried to run away, she chased after them. The students said the teacher was typically a good teacher, but had a breakdown over testing earlier this week and did not seem to be herself. The teacher was later arrested for child endangerment. Her license had been suspended twice before, but each time it had been reinstated. Happening Elsewhere: Special education plagued by faulty teacher data Shortage of special educators adds to classroom pressures Children return to school 3 weeks after California wildfire Pre-schoolers Drank Pine-Sol When Classroom Assistant Thought The Cleaning Product Was Apple Juice Teacher seen on video punching student charged in California School district apologizes after teacher tells students Santa isn't real Microsoft pledges $10M to Code.org to expand computer education New Democratic governors show shift on US charter schools New group will try to connect school board members pushing for ‘dramatic change’ in these 10 cities Florida education commissioner Pam Stewart resigns Kentucky alters plan for new high school graduation rules Signaling waning enthusiasm for charters, Chicago officials move to deny all new applications Environmental Charter teachers join other charter school educators in call for union representation Wisconsin district unveils plan after Nazi salute photo Arkansas high school suspends student-run newspaper Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. What’s going on where you are? Share below!
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